It's much a tired week, not physically but mentally. Friday night, as usual, i went to Small Group in Ronald's place. I have been there for 3 years, not every week though, but time flies.
Kind of like too many things happened recently? A secondary schoolmate, Jen Ruw passed away about 3 weeks ago. Heard of the stories of his family and i find that I feel really really sorry for his family.
Yesterday, Trez(Kian Wing's sister)'s dog passed away. Just a dog what, whats the big deal? It has its story behind it. Trez and kian wing's mum passed away last 2 years. Soon after that, they bought this dog back and named it Joy(suppose to bring joy to the family). The main purpose of this dog is to keep their dad accompany because for a retired man and all sons and daughters are working its kinda lonely right? For these 2 and half years, Joy has been bringing real "joy" to the family. Yesterday, when they brought Joy to the Vet and the vet came out from the room and says:" Sorry, there is nothing that i can do already" The whole family wept, the scene was exactly the same 2 years ago when their mum leaves them. Her dad then said:" Last 2 years my wife left me, and now, i'm left alone again" Joy has been taken away! Joy has been a big part of her dad's life, morning wake up he will feed "her" till in the evening he will bring "her" for an evening walk. Why is the routine sorrow gotta happen in the family?
STOP & THINK, reflect on your daily life.. have you done your best for your love once and the people who love you? Once you take them for granted, when time flies, things are not the same anymore, then we will start feeling regret for the things that we do not do. Small details, bits and pieces of our life, thats the difference we can make.
Jeff and Sue is a lovely couple in church just got married last 2 years. Last year they got a baby but got miscarriage 2 months after that. I was shocked this morning when i got an sms from Ronald saying that Jeff has a 3.2 cm tumor in his brain. He was supposed to go for a CT scan to check on his vocal chord, some part around the throat cuz he lost his voice for like quite some time, not as in really cant talk but difficulty in talking like when you are having cough and runny nose together. But end up the CT scan results shows that he got a tumor in his Brain. So he was admitted to the hospital today for a further MRI and other test. Why do they need to go through such uneasy time in life together?
What happened to this world laa?? What is life all about weh? Some of the time, we complaint about life, complaint about some of the things that do not work in our ways, but there are things in life we don't complaint, not because it is small but it is too big to the extend we got nothing to say about it, just accept the fact.
Kar Hoe